Monday, January 21, 2013

Favorite Things Friday

I totally dropped the ball this last week... no posts, no updates, nada. It was a ridiculous week at work, and I finally have Internet in my apartment, so I'm thinking I'll only get better at this blogging thing. So here goes my crazy week recap and Favorite Things Friday... the Monday edition.

I met my goal of dressing up for work every day! I was impressed with myself. I even managed to take a picture four out of five days. Do not judge that they were in the bathroom at work and selfies. I really need to get the boyfriend to snap pics of me in the morning if I am going to do another clothing challenge.

Favorite New Tmblr
While I cannot get enough of the .gif tmblrs lately (I'm looking at you #MyFriendsAreMarried), my new favorite tmblr in my RSS feed has to be 99 Problems but a Pitch Aint' One. As someone in the PR field, I feel like each one is talking to me. :)

Favorite TV Show
(Because all of my favorites are back!) I have a hard time keeping a schedule and actually sitting down to watch TV shows. If there is a Real Housewives of (Enter any city here) on, you will definitely find me sitting down and zoning out. But trying to always sit down at 9 p.m. on a Tuesday is extremely hard to do. I really enjoy watching "Parenthood," "New Girl," "The Mindy Project" and my new favorite this season:

If you are not watching "The New Normal," I'm not quite sure what your problem is. But it is the funniest show out there right now. Each of the characters is hysterical, and the storyline is extremely heartwarming and accurate for today's society.

Favorite Pinterest Find
My skin and I are constantly battling it out. One day, it's oily; the next, it's dry. I usually have an extremely bad breakout or nothing at all. I'm always trying new formulas and products to keep it under control. I found this brightening toner on Pinterest that you make with witch hazel, lemon juice and water.
Word to the wise.... use lemon juice rather than squeezing your own lemons. I only spent like a $1.50 on the lemons, but it was a pain to squeeze them. :-)

Favorite Inspiration
I had a hard week in the weight loss department, thanks to that time of the month. So I found myself more discouraged than I should have been. But like the image says, today is another chance.

My goal this week... is to make my boyfriend's 30th birthday as special as possible. His birthday is on Friday, and we'll be going away for the weekend (to Disney!). I can't wait to make his birthday weekend as special as possible because he simply deserves it.

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